
Semi-Dedicated Servers

Semi-Dedicated Servers

Semi-Dedicated Servers from Evotec limited can be considered as a good transition before having your own dedicated server. These are made for web site operators that prefer to have the fewest sites per server competing for the same resources. Each Semi-Dedicated Server is a 1/30th share of a fully managed dedicated server. This means that there will never be more than 30 Slices on a server. Assuming each site had only a single slice assigned to it, there would be 30 sites on the server. There can be much less than this depending on how many slices has been purchased by a single customer. For example, if every site on the server has two Slices assigned to it, there would only be 15 sites hosted on that machine. We guarantee a MAXIMUM of 30 sites or less on every Semi-Dedicated Server and each slice comes with shell access (SSH).

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